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Posture Services

We offer both Online and In-Person Posture services. Look at the differences below and see which one works best for you. 

Online Posture Menu

Can't see us in person or want to cut the cost of therapy by doing it on your own? This is a fast, easy and convenient way to get the results you want. Submit the form below, we will invoice you, once paid, allow us 2-3 days to access your menu.


  • Menu is based on the information/pictures you submit. 

  • For best results, the menu is meant to be done daily and in order​

  • Cost $75 for each individual program 


In Person Training

Each session will assess posture, function and gait to help create a personalized exercise program which you will be taken through to ensure you can confidently do on your own. Contact us or submit form below to set up an appointment. 

  • Initial Session is 1 to 1 1/2 hour, thereafter about an hour

  • Posture Analysis using static photos

  • Functional Testing

  • Gait Analysis

  • $175 First time Appointment;

  • Packages available upon request 

Re-Align Exercise Therapy

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Intake Form 

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